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Performance & Insights

Plan Restriction

Not available on the Free plan (see Pricing)

Cluvio provides query performance metrics and insights on slow queries and query errors for each datasource.

Performance & Insights Performance & Insights

The datasources overview page shows a sparkline of activity on each datasource in the last 1 hour or in the last 24 hours, allowing you to see at a glance how your Cluvio datasources are performing. Click on a sparkline to enter the detailed monitoring view for that datasource.

Monitoring View Monitoring View

Use the time range selector in the top-right corner to change the selected time range.

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As indicated in the drop-down menu through the LIVE badge, the selection of 30 Minutes or 60 minutes results in the charts to update automatically as new data points become available. Alternatively, click & drag the mouse over a chart to zoom into a time range. A zoomed selection will never update automatically. Use the Refresh button next to the time range selector to refresh the data shown. Unless zoomed, any selected time range ends "now" and a refresh will load the latest data, shifting the effective time window.


The Activity tab of the enlarged monitoring view shows the datasource activity over time on 3 complementary charts:

  • Running Concurrently: This chart is the enlarged version of the sparkline from the datasources overview page. It shows the currently running queries on the datasource in the selected time period, color-coded by elapsed time and queuing status on Cluvio in relation to the configured maximum concurrency. Orange and red bars indicate slow(er) queries, while purple bars indicate queued queries as a result of temporarily exceeding the maximum concurrent query limit.

  • Completed: This chart shows query completions in the selected time period, color-coded by the query result status (success, error, timed out).

  • SQL Duration: This chart shows the minimum, maximum or average SQL query duration in the selected time period, color-coded by duration with slowe(er) durations in the orange-red spectrum.

Zoom in and move the mouse cursor over the chart to dive into the details.

Zoom & Hover Zoom & Hover

Slow Queries

The Slow Queries tab shows a list of the slow queries in the selected time range. Any query whose execution as measured by Cluvio exceeds 10 seconds is considered a slow query.

Slow Queries Slow Queries

By default, the queries are listed in descending order by duration, with the slowest queries shown at the top. Click on the Completed or Duration column headers to change the sorting.

Click on a SQL query to reveal the slow query details.

Slow Query Detail Slow Query Detail

The top half of the detail view shows contextual information about the slow query, which includes the report, filter or alert that triggered the query and for a report the associated dashboard.

The bottom half of the detail view provides more insights into the slow query execution, starting with the Original SQL section, i.e. as it appears in the report, filter or SQL alert editor.

The Executed SQL section shows the SQL query that Cluvio ran on your database after resolving any Cluvio snippets and filters, as well as applying data time zone settings and plan-specific result size limits.

The Parameters section shows the Cluvio parameters applied to the original SQL query, which includes selected filter values and time zone configuration, if any.

Finally, Other Objects shows a list of any other reports, filters or SQL alerts that share the same original SQL query (after expanding snippets). These objects may thus also be negatively affected by the slowness of the query.


On the slow queries list, use the button Group Same SQL & Filters to show all slow queries that share the same original SQL query and parameters, i.e. the same executed SQL.

Slow Query Groups Slow Query Groups

With the default sorting by total duration, grouping helps to prioritize further investigation by highlighting combinations of SQL query and parameters which frequently lead to slow query executions. Click on the Count, Avg Duration or Total Duration column headers to change the sorting of the list items.

Click on a SQL query in the list of grouped queries to open the detail view for a slow query group.

Slow Query Group Detail Slow Query Group Detail

Analogous to the detail view of a single slow query, the grouped detail view offers contextual information in the top half and the further details in the sections Original SQL, Executed SQL, Parameters, Queries and Objects.

Query Errors

The Query Errors tab shows a list of the query errors in the selected time range, by default sorted in descending order from most recent to least recent occurrence.

Query Errors Query Errors

The RETRY badge indicates that the query error is a result of an automatic retry of a previously failed query. Cluvio automatically retries failed queries up to 5 times consecutively within an hour.

Click on an error message to reveal the query error detail view.

Query Error Detail Query Error Detail

The top half of the error detail view shows contextual information about the query error, which includes the report, filter or alert that triggered the failed query and for a report the associated dashboard.

The bottom half of the detail view provides more insights into the query error execution, starting with the Original SQL section, i.e. as it appears in the report, filter or SQL alert editor.

The Executed SQL section shows the SQL query that Cluvio ran on your database after resolving any Cluvio snippets and filters, as well as applying data time zone settings and plan-specific result size limits. In this view any syntax errors are highlighted.

Query Error Detail Highlight Query Error Detail Highlight

The Parameters section shows the Cluvio parameters applied to the original SQL query, which includes selected filter values and time zone configuration, if any.

Finally, Other Objects shows a list of any related reports, filters or SQL alerts that share the same original SQL query (after expanding snippets). These objects may thus also be negatively affected by the query error.


On the query errors list, use the button Group Same Error Message to group the list items by error message.

Query Error Groups Query Error Groups

The default sort order is descending by the error count within the selected time range. When faced with a larger number of errors, this allows you to see at a glance which errors are occurring the most and thus to prioritize.

Click on an error message to open the query error group detail view.

Query Error Group Detail Query Error Group Detail

The top half of the group detail shows contextual information like the error count and the selected time range.

The bottom half of the group detail shows the error message, the list of Queries and a list of related reports, filters or alters that may also be affected by the error. Use the Queries section to navigate to the individual query executions that all resulted in the same error message.