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Drill-down actions can also be used on embedded dashboards, but can require additional configuration and integration with your web application, depending on the drill-down target and the configuration of the sharing link.

To Same Dashboard

If the drill-down target is <Same dashboard> and the sharing link is interactive (Allow Parameters enabled), the drill-down links are enabled and work out-of-the-box within the embedded dashboard.

Same dashboard drill-down on interactive sharing link: 🔗 Link

However, if the drill-down target is <Same dashboard> and the sharing link is non-interactive (Allow Parameters disabled), the drill-down links are disabled by default. The drill-down links can be re-enabled by adding the parameter enableDrillEvents to the sharing link URL. This has the effect that the embedded Cluvio dashboard will enable the drill-down links and emit a drillSelect event to the parent window whenever a drill-down link is selected.

Same dashboard drill-down on non-interactive sharing link: 🔗 Link.

Note that the drill-down links in the above example have no effect, because the events are not handled. Open the browser developer console to see the events that would be emitted if this link is embedded in another browser window. The browser console will show messages like the following, depending on the drill-down links selected:

Drill-down Select Events

These events are typically handled by generating a new sharingSecret with the desired filter values in the fixed_parameters which is then sent to the embedded Cluvio dashboard via the updateSharingSecret action.

To Another Dashboard

When the drill-down links target another dashboard, they are disabled by default in embedded dashboards. The drill-down links can be re-enabled by adding the parameter enableDrillEvents to the sharing link URL. This has the effect that the embedded Cluvio dashboard will enable the drill-down links and emit a drillDown event to the parent window whenever a drill-down link is selected.

Other dashboard drill-down: 🔗 Link

Note that the drill-down links in the above example have no effect, because the events are not handled. Open the browser developer console to see the events that would be emitted if this link is embedded in another browser window. The messages shown in the browser console will look like the following, depending on the drill-down links selected:

Drill-down Events

These events can be handled, for example, by sending a navigate action to the embedded Cluvio frame, essentially navigating the embedded <iframe> to another dashboard sharing link, thereby setting the drill-down filter values as fixed_parameters.