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Personal Settings

Every Cluvio user can manage personal account settings like name, e-mail and password in the Personal Settings section. To access personal settings, use the user profile icon in the top-right corner of the Cluvio UI.

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Personal Details

In this section, you can update your name and e-mail address.

Personal Details Personal Details

Use the Update Profile button after making changes to the fields. If you changed your e-mail address, a confirmation e-mail is sent to your new e-mail address. Only once the confirmation link in the e-mail is used will the new e-mail address become effective and can be used to sign-in.

Change Password

To change your password, enter the current password and new password into the provided text fields and select Change Password.

Change Password Change Password

Two-Factor Authentication

Every Cluvio user can configure two-factor authentication to increase account security. See Two-Factor Authentication.