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Report Actions

The report actions are the operations available from a report's drop-down menu when it is viewed on a dashboard.

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Which actions are available depends both on the report's configuration and the user's role.


To edit a report, select Edit from the drop-down menu. You will be taken to the report editor.


To duplicate a report, select Duplicate from the drop-down menu. The duplicated report will appear on the dashboard either next to or below the existing reports, depending on where the available space on the dashboard grid. The duplicate of the report is completely independent of the original report. Duplication of an existing report is thus a convenient starting point for a new report.


To move a report to a different (or new) dashboard, select Move from the drop-down menu. You will be prompted to select or create the target dashboard.

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To manually refresh a report, select Refresh from the drop-down menu. A manual refresh has the effect of cancelling any currently running executions for the report (including those started by an earlier manual refresh that did not yet finish) before starting a new query execution. While the refresh is in progress, a progress indicator appears in the top-right corner of the report title.


Cancellation of running queries is only a "best effort". Cluvio cannot guarantee that running queries stop execution on your database before new queries are started.

Download CSV

To download the report's data in CSV format, select Download CSV from the drop-down menu. The CSV data contains the data as it is returned by the report's SQL query (or R script, if any).

Maximum CSV Size

The size of the CSV download is limited to 50MB or the plan-specific maximum number of rows in the SQL result, whichever limit is reached earlier (see Pricing). On Pro plans and above, you can enable an "Unlimited" CSV download option in the report settings. See also Download CSV (Unlimited).

Download PDF

To download the report as a PDF, select Download PDF from the drop-down menu. A dialog opens that shows the progress the of PDF generation. Once complete, a download link appears on the dialog.

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Click on Download to download the PDF. The PDF shows the report as it is seen on the dashboard for the user performing the action.

Download Image

To download the report as an image (PNG), select Download Image from the drop-down menu. A dialog opens that shows the progress the of image generation. Once complete, a download link appears on the dialog.

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The image shows the report as it is seen on the dashboard for the user performing the action.

Download CSV (Unlimited)

Plan Restriction

Not available on the Free plan (see Pricing)

The "Unlimited" CSV download option prepares a CSV file for download that is as large as your plan allows (up to a customer-specific "unlimited" size for Enterprise plans). Furthermore, this action must be explicitly enabled for a report in the report settings.

When selecting Download CSV (Unlimited) from the drop-down menu, a dialog opens that shows the progress the of CSV export. Once complete, a download link appears on the dialog.

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Just like for the regular CSV download, the CSV data obtained through Download CSV (Unlimited) contains the data as it is returned by the report's SQL query (or R script, if any).

Download Excel

Plan Restriction

Not available on the Free plan (see Pricing)

To download the report's data as an Excel sheet, select Download Excel from the drop-down menu. The Excel sheet contains the data as it is returned by the report's SQL query (or R script, if any).

Share via E-Mail

Plan Restriction

Not available on the Free plan (see Pricing)

To share a report via E-Mail, select Share via E-Mail from the drop-down menu. You will be taken to the Create Schedule dialog on the Schedules overview page, with the dialog prefilled for the selected report. Configure the schedule as desired and save it. You can then either manually trigger the schedule or leave it to trigger automatically according to your configuration.


To delete a report, select Delete from the drop-down menu. You will be prompted for confirmation to prevent accidental deletions.


Accidentily deleted reports can usually be recovered. Please contact for help.