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API Keys

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API keys are secret tokens that can be used to access Cluvio's API programmatically.

API Keys API Keys

Every API key has a set of permissions that are tied to the API key's secret token. To create a new API key, select New API Key.

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The Key Type determines the available permissions for the key. With View, the API key can only be assigned view permissions. Such API keys are thus always read-only and cannot be used to perform changes on your Cluvio account. In contrast, a Manage key can be assigned management permissions which allow the API key to not only view resources in your Cluvio account but also to make changes and even create new resources (datasources, dashboards, etc). An API key's type is fixed on creation and cannot be changed later.

The API Version ties the API key to a specific version of the Cluvio API. At the moment, the initial and only available API version is 2024-06-01. New API versions are only introduced for backward-incompatible changes like the removal of a request or response attribute, a change of behavior of an operation or even the removal of an entire operation. An API key is tied to an API version for the lifetime of the key. To transition to a newer API version when it becomes available, create a new API key for the new version while keeping the old API key until your application has been migrated to use the new API key.

Lastly, the Permissions determine which API operations are authorized for the key. Refer to the Cluvio API Docs for the permissions needed for a particular API operation.

When saving a new API key, the new API key's secret is generated and you are prompted to copy and store it for use by your application.

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Secure Your Secret

The API key secret must be kept private and secure. Typically it is stored in a protected configuration file for your backend application that integrates with the Cluvio API. The API key secret should not be embedded in JavaScript.

To view the secret of an existing API key, select the Show Secret action for the API key in the list of API keys. You will be prompted to re-enter your password for additional security.

To edit an existing API key, click on the name in the list of API keys or choose Edit from the API key's drop-down menu. Note that you can only edit the name and permissions of an existing API key. Any change to an API key's permissions takes effect immediately.

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To temporarily deactivate or permanently delete an API key, use the drop-down menu available via the gear icon on the right of the API key in the list of keys. Deactivation or deletion of an API key takes effect immediately and API operations using a deactivated or deleted key will start failing.

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Refer to the Cluvio API Docs to get started with using your API keys on the Cluvio public API.