The Organization
admin section allows updating company details and reviewing legal
and compliance information related to your Cluvio account.
Company Details
In the company details you can update your company name and primary contact e-mail address. You can also opt-out or opt-in to product e-mails sent by Cluvio about new features, updates, tips & tricks.
Legal & Compliance
In the Legal & Compliance
section you can see your Cluvio Account Location and
get information about the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
The Cluvio Account Location determines where Cluvio stores & processes all data related to your account.
The GDPR Data Processing Amendment can be accepted electronically or chosen as not applicable for your organization.
Account Secrets
Every organization in Cluvio is assigned an account secret that can be used for secure embedding of dashboards. You use the secret to authenticate JWT tokens that allow your embedded dashboards to access Cluvio's APIs.
If you choose to reset the secret via Reset Secret
(e.g. because it may be compromised or as a routing security measure),
a new secret is generated while the old secret remains valid for 24 hours.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
In this section of your organization settings you can configure single sign-on (SSO).
By using single sign-on you can increase both the security and convenience of using Cluvio in your organization. For details on how to configure single sign-on for your Cluvio organization, see Account & Security » Single sign-on.