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Sharing Links

Plan Restriction

Sharing links are not available on the Free plan (see Pricing).

Dashboard Sharing Links are an easy way to give access to a dashboard or a single report to anyone, even those who do not have an account on Cluvio. Such links are also the basis for embedded analytics. Depending on your Cluvio plan, a sharing link can have various restrictions.

Here is an example of a dashboard shared via a sharing link:

... and the same dashboard embedded as an iFrame:

You can manage dashboard sharing links by selecting Sharing Links & Embedding from the dashboard actions of the dashboard that you wish to share.

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To create a new sharing link, use Add New or Add New (Current filters):

  • Add New: Creates a new sharing link that uses the dashboard filter default values.
  • Add New (Current filters): Creates a new sharing link that uses the currently selected dashboard filter values.

To open a sharing link in a new browser window or tab, select Share Link. To embed a link in another web page via an iframe, select Embed. An HTML fragment for an iframe will be shown that you can copy & paste into your web page at the desired place.

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For more information and advanced embedding options, see Embedded Analytics.


A sharing link has many configuration options. To configure a link, select the pencil icon next to the sharing link that you wish to change. The configuration options for the selected link will open directly below the link.

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The name of a link will be displayed in the page title in addition to the dashboard name.

TV Mode

The sharing link allow to display the daashboard in 2 different modes:

  • normal mode, where reports are sized normally, as configured on the dashboard

  • TV mode, where report height is dynamically adjusted so that all the reports fit on the screen, expanding or reducing their height as necessary. This mode is great for displaying a dashboard on the TV on a wall, making full use of the TV height / aspect ratio.

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IP Whitelisting

In the IP Whitelist text input, you can enter one or more comma-separated IP addresses or use CIDR notation for entire subnets from which the link can be accessed. This is a great way to share dashboards within your company network while preventing access from outside the company network.


The link options control the level of interactivity that the link allows.

  • Show Toolbar: Whether the toolbar at the top of the dashboard that shows the name, description and selected filter values should be displayed.

  • Allow CSV/Excel: Whether downloading of dashboard or report data as CSV or Excel should be allowed from the dashboard actions or report actions drop-down menus.

  • Requires Secret: Whether the link should require an additional sharingSecret parameter which must be a JSON Web Token authenticated with the organization secret. Requiring a sharingSecret for a sharing link is a prerequisite to creating interactive links (see Allow Parameters). With the sharingSecret you can customize sharing links programmatically, such as limiting the allowed Cluvio filter parameters depending on the permissions of the user in your application, in a way that cannot be tampered with. See Embedding for further details.

  • Allow Parameters: If Requires Secret is set, this setting is available and controls whether the link should permit URL parameters for the dashboard's filters and thus permit changing what is shown on the linked dashboard or report.

  • Interactive Toolbar: If all of Show Toolbar, Requires Secret and Allow Parameters are set, this option can be enabled. If enabled, the dashboard is fully interactive when accessed through the link, with the exception of possibly fixed parameters through the sharingSecret. See Embedding for further details.


In the Filters section you can set or remove the use of the currently selected filter values on the link. For example, if you previously created a link with the dashboard default values, you can later change the filters used by the link to the current selection via Set to Current. Conversely, if you want to revert a link to use the dashboard default filter values, select Remove.

Sharing Token

Every sharing link contains a sharingToken URL parameter which is a random UUID that uniquely identifies the link in Cluvio.

Sharing Link Security

While a sharing token cannot be guessed, anyone who obtains a sharing link has access to the information on the shared dashboard or report. Only share links with authorized users and for sensitive data use secure channels for distribution of links, like secure messaging applications with end-to-end encryption and device authentication. You can also use Cluvio's IP whitelisting for additional security (see the configuration options below). Delete links that should no longer be used.

URL Parameters

The following URL parameters can be added to any sharing link for ad-hoc customization of the appearance of the linked dashboard or report. Typically, these parameters are used in the context of embedding:

  • tvMode<=true|false|fullscreen>: When set to true (or present as tvMode), the height of the reports will dynamically adjust to make the dashboard fit the screen height. When set to fullscreen, the tvMode would only apply when the page is full screen / maximized. When not present or set to false, the dashboard would be displayed as usual, with report height being as configured on the dashboard.

  • backgroundColor=<color>: The background color of the dashboard grid. Simply replace <color> with the hex value of the color. Do not prepend the '#' (Example Link)

  • noBorder=<true|false>: If set to true, the border of the individual report widgets will be hidden. (Example Link)

  • darkMode=<true|false|auto>: If set to true, the dashboard will be displayed in dark mode, if set to auto, the mode will depend on the operating system setting. This parameter overrides the dark mode setting of the sharing link definition. (Example Link)

  • reportId=<id>: Allows to specify a single report from a dashboard that is shown maximized. You can see the report ID as part of the URL when editing a report. (Example Link)

  • reportOnly=<true|false>: If a reportId is set, reportOnly disables the link back to the full dashboard in the top-right corner of the UI, allowing to embed or share just a single report. (Example Link)

  • expandFilters[=true]: When present or set to true, the filter bar on top of the dashboard would be automatically expanded, i.e. the user would not need to have to click to reveal the filters. Only makes sense for interactive links. (Example Link)

  • preloadDashboard=<true|false>: If a reportId is set, preloadDashboard controls if the other reports on the dashboard should be preloaded. If set to true, the initial load might be longer, while subsequent switching of reports is faster. If set to false (or not present), only the specified report will be loaded, thus optimizing for the initial display experience.

  • oneColumn=<true|false>: Whether to completely turn off the behavior of switching to single-column layout below a certain width. (Example Link)

  • oneColumnMinWidth=<number>: Allows to tune the number of pixels below which the dashboard grid switches to the single column mode (the default is 768). (Example Link)

  • gridColumns=<number>: A number between 1 and 12 (inclusive) that defines how many columns the grid has. (Example Link)

  • hideLoadingIndicators=<true|false>: With this option set, the small loading indicators in the top-right corner of each report are not displayed. Useful esp. for embedding dashboards with 1 or 2 min refresh rates, as these would show the loading indicators most of the time, resulting in unnecessary visual noise.