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Dashboard Actions

The dashboard actions are operations available from an individual dashboard's drop-down menu, available on the dashboards overview page and when viewing a single dashboard. Some actions are only available in one of these two contexts.

Dashboards OverviewSingle Dashboard View

General Actions

View Dashboard

The View Dashboard action takes you to the single dashboard view. This action is available when hovering the cursor over the dashboard thumbnail.

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Add/Remove Dashboard Groups

This action is used to manage the dashboard groups that a dashboard is assigned to.

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The Duplicate action creates a duplicate of a dashboard and all of its reports. Once created, the duplicated dashboard is completely independent of the original dashboard and can be used as a starting point for a new dashboard with a similar subset of reports.


The Refresh action initiates a refresh on each report on the dashboard. Any currently running queries for the same combination of dashboard filter parameters are cancelled before new queries are started. A manual dashboard refresh can thus occasionally help to recover from failed or stuck queries.


Cancellation of running queries is only a "best effort". Cluvio cannot guarantee that running queries stop execution on your database before new queries are started.

Backup Dashboard


This dashboard action is currently only available on request. Please contact support@cluvio if you would like to have this dashboard action enabled.

The Backup Dashboard action generates a JSON file that can later be used to create a new dashboard from a backup.


If you intend to delete a dashboard, we recommend downloading a backup first.

Show Full-screen

The Show Full-screen action makes a dashboard take up all available screen space, which removes any distractions and is ideally suited for showing a dashboard on a TV or during a presentation.


To configure the dashboard settings, including data refresh rates, the appearance of filters and more, select Settings. See Dashboard Settings for further details.

Export Actions

Download Excel

Plan Restriction

Not available on the Free plan (see Pricing)

To download the data of all reports on a dashboard as Excel sheets, with one sheet for each report, select Download Excel.


Download PDF

To download a rendered PDF of a dashboard, select Download PDF. The size of the PDF is configurable in the dashboard settings.

Download Image

To download a rendered PNG of a dashboard, select Download Image. The size of the image is configurable in the dashboard settings.

Sharing Actions

Sharing actions are available both on the dashboards overview page and when viewing a single dashboard.

Share with Users

To share a dashboard with other users in your Cluvio organization, select Share with Users. See Sharing with Users for further details.

To share a dashboard via distributing or embedding a link, select Sharing Links & Embedding. See Sharing Links for further details.

Share via Email

To share periodic snapshots of a dashboard via an e-mail with attachments, select Share via Email. See Scheduled Emails for further details.